Maiming and killing may be the norm for many video games but here are 7 Valentine’s Day events that are trying to balance that out with some love and romance in 2021…
GEAR 5 - Cupid's torque bow
Returning from previous years, Cupid’s Torque Bow is a romantic twist on the popular Torque Bow Tag game type.
Armed only with their Cupid’s Bow (a love-themed variant of the more familiar Torque Bow), each team must eliminate the other using traditional Deathmatch rules. Melee attacks are disabled though so only landing a shot from Cupid’s Bow will eliminate your enemies (all with a romantic explosion of hearts, of course). Oh, and all players have over-sized, heart-shaped heads.
Complete all of the Cupid’s Torue Bow tour medals, to be rewarded with the Riftworm Heart weapon set.
Brawlhalla - VALHALLENTINE’S 2021
A slew of seasonal items are available to purchase from Mallhalla.
Take your pick from romantically-themed skins for Legends such as Dusk, Kaya and Ada, the Lovestruck podium to battle upon. heart-themed KO effects, a Cupid’s Bow weapon skin, Valentine’s gift-themed avatars, and a selection of pink, red and white Lovestruck colours for every Legend.

And, on top of all of that, there is a Valentine’s-themed main menu with all new music and +250 Bonus Gold per login.
Gwent - Season of Love
The latest season brings with it a new game mode, Irresistable Attraction, in which, whenever a non-Spying unit is played, you get to move a random enemy unit with the same power to the opposite side.
The are also some heart-themed seasonal rewards to be earned.
Borderlands 3 - Broken Hearts Day
Maurice has a new task for you – shoot down the hearts that are floating above lovesick enemines across the galaxy. As the hearts break, you may be rewarded in a number of ways. Some will produce random effects such as falling to the ground with a fiery explosion, while others might drop loot or cause enemies to fight on your behalf for a time.
As you continue breaking hearts while going about your vault hunting business, Maurice will keep track of how many you have broken and reward you as you go. A new echo skin, weapon trinket, SMG, vault hunter skin and legendary sniper rifle could all be yours. Naturally, all of these will suitably romance-themed.
World of Warcraft - Love is in the Air
First seen all the way back in 2006, World of Warcaft’s Love is in the Air event must be one of the, if not the, longest running Valentine’s Day events in gaming.
Complete daily quests to collect Love Tokens, which can be used to claim a plethora of exclusive items. Defeat the Crown Chemical Company to be rewarded with a Heart-Shaped box containing various special rewards. Or show your love for your friends and faction leaders through the Lovely Charm Bracelet. But if you want the Big Love Rocket mount, you will need to be Level 50.
Apex LEGENDS - Valentine's Day Rendezvous
It is only fitting that Valentine’s Day sees the return of the Duos limited time game mode. Furthermore, if you buddy up with a loved one, or just any friend will do really, you both earn double XP of up to 20k per day.

Simply logging in during the event will also earn you a Valentines 2020 badge. And if you head to the shop, you will come across a couple of new charms to purchase, as well as a few of last year’s items returning at a discounted price.
FORTNITE - Hearts Wild
There’s going to be a whole load of things going on in Fortnite for this year’s Valentine’s event.
The Creative welcome hub will be receiving a Valentine’s makeover, complete with romantic roses spread far and wide. If you search hard enough, there is also a collection of love letters to be recovered.
There will be weekly Hearts Wild quests to help Fishstick get a date, as well as generally spreading love across the island.
The Hearts Wild Team Battle will give players the chance to team up with their favourite creators and help them complete unique callenges. The top placing players in each region will be rewarded with a selection of love-themed items. And before that, the Hearts Wild Cup will give loving (or not) couples a chance to compete in Duos competition with the top performing duos in each region earning the Lovely outfit.
And, of course, there will be new love-themed items appearing in the shop.