Super Spring Sale


New Feature

Did someone say push-to-talk?

The community asked for it, so we’ve added it. Push-to-talk is now available when you are recording from your microphone. Pick a hotkey to push

live streaming software
New Feature

Streaming unleashed

Without doubt the most requested feature for us to add has been streaming and we’ve been promising that we’d do it for what seems like an


Version 3.5 is live!

The 3.5 update is now available for FBX. New! Streaming Now you can stream to Twitch, Mixer or Youtube (or enter the server address and


What’s in a name?

If you happen to check your encoder options, you may notice that we’ve done a little bit of reorganising. So don’t worry if you don’t


Version 3.4 is live!

The 3.4 update is now available for FBX. New! Fullscreen capture mode: Records the entire desktop, including games and apps that FBX’s Game capture mode

how to record gameplay on pc

How game recorders do their thing

If you’ve used a selection of different game recorders in the past, you may have noticed that there are a multiple different ways that they


Join the FBX community

We’ve got big plans for FBX in 2019 and beyond, but we would like our amazing user community to help us deliver what you need


Version 3.3 is live!

NEW! Fullscreen playback – Play movies fullscreen size instead of being restricted to the FBX window. Screenshots – You now save screenshots whilst watching saved


Apply your branding

Got your own gaming channel and want to promote your brand in your uploaded videos? What you need is a watermark! It doesn’t matter whether


Which character class are you?

By which we mean, what sort of FBX account do you have and what does that give you? Anyone who wants to record with FBX


Level up!

Get creative and personalise your gameplay with a selection of new editing features: Stickers & GIFs – Nothing quite says it like a sticker. Upload

New Feature

Stretch it out

It’s grown fairly common for FPS players to play using stretched resolutions instead of using the game’s native resolutions. This started out with CS:GO but

New Feature

Keep your comms channels clear

You may have noticed that the 2.13 update included a new addition to the audio options – it’s now possible to only record your game’s

New Feature

Enhance your webcam with chroma key

If you’re not sure what chroma key is, it’s simply a feature that allows you to remove a color from your video and replace it